Generation Z (or more informally, the Zoomers) are the ones born between 1997 to 2010s (plus or minus a few years) and form the generation after the millennials. Like their seniors, Zoomers are digital natives, growing up in the age of smartphones, social media, instant gratification and a more connected world. Given their proximity in age and similar environments, how close are they to the millennials in their priorities and aspirations? In our in-depth study of young Singaporeans, we unearthed some insights on what matters to and motivates Zoomers. Here are some key points.

*Based on an April 2020 survey of 1,100 Singaporeans aged between 15 to 34 from our proprietary online panel,, with population representation across age, gender and race.

Where the Zoomers differ from their seniors is the greater value they place on building their future such as having a successful career and furthering their education. In fact, 67% of those we surveyed said they would choose a successful career over getting married and 78% would choose that over having children.

Millennials, on the other hand, prioritise more family-centred goals such as spending more time with their family and having children. These differences are likely a function of the life stages our youths are at – the Zoomers moving from school to joining the workforce and the fact that more of the millennials are married (43%) compared to Zoomers (2%). The Zoomers could start shifting their focus towards the family once they start dating or get married.

But, Zoomers are Following the Footsteps of their Seniors More than We Thought

Financial security ranks as the Zoomers’ number one priority, an aspiration shared with the millennials. Exhibiting pragmatism and financial prudence, 90% preferred having strong savings and investments as appreciating assets over owning a car, a depreciating one.

Other life goals shared with the millennials include having a successful career, home ownership, finding a life partner and getting married, possibly a result of the practical realities of growing up in Singapore, where these aspirations are considered ‘standard’ markers of success in life.  

The things Singaporean Zoomers hold dear appear similar to the rest of the population. Yet, this is a generation that believe in the ‘here and now’ – swiftly harnessing their energies and channelling them into carving out their own unique future. What will Singapore look like with this dynamic generation shaping the nation’s development?

For more interesting insights on Singaporean Zoomers, drop us an email at

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